Mittwoch, 29. Januar 2014

let's do things! pt1

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left: ticket for the Berlinische Galerie / right: ticket for "Only Lovers Left Alive"
Last week I went to the cinema two times.
The first time was a spontaneous trip to Neukölln, where I met a friend of mine and we went and watched "Only Lovers Left Alive" (click here to check out the trailer!) directed by Jim Jarmusch. I'm in love. It may be a bit long-winded but I enjoyed it thoroughly. It transfers you in a different world of darkness, love and melancholy. 

The other movie I watched is everywhere right now. You probably heard from all your friends that it is such a good movie and you should go and watch it. It's "The Wolf of Wall Street".(click here to check out the trailer!) And yes. It is a really good movie. Leo is giving everything again (and for god's sake let this poor man have his Oscar already...) and so is Jonah Hill. I liked it but it will definitely not be a favorite of mine. Maybe it's because somehow I got the feeling that many scenes were just made to let the viewer think "Oh my god, this is SO shocking, he is living such a wild life, what an animal. Oh my dear!" It was too provocative without being really provocative. I hope that makes sense and I'm not just babbling nonsense here. Anyway maybe you've seen it aswell and maybe you are agreeing with me!
Enough about those awesome movies for now, because there will be a lot more to see the next weeks. I'm especially excited about "Her" and of course "The Grand Budapest Hotel" - I just can't wait to see them!

Egon Schiele's Kauernder Rücken

In other news, I went and visited the Berlinische Galerie  to see the exhibition "Wien Berlin - Kunst zweier Metropolen". (Vienna Berlin - the art of two metropolises) A very interesting theme with some awesome artists displayed. I was the especially excited to see the art of Egon Schiele. I am a huge admirer of his work and it often influences me when I try to illustrate. Unfortunately the gallery was really crowded, that's why I didn't really had the nerves to check out every single piece of every single artist.

And the last thing to do is about food. On a really lazy sunday my boyfriend and I decided go and eat at a american diner around my corner. I really love this place, It's called Nalu Diner and it really feels like being in California again while you are sitting in the middle of Berlin Prenzlauer Berg. The staff is super relaxed and friendly. The food is not the best american fast food I've eaten in my whole life (I've been to In'n'Out so yeah...) but it is decent and I just love being there for the whole atmosphere. I ate a grilled cheese sandwich and drank some homemade Ice-Tea with it. It was delicious! 


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